编程代写|Project 6 (Register Allocation)

Goal Implement register allocation based on graph coloring.

Download the Project Tests

Download and unzip the tests W for this project under ✩j/j–.

Run the following command inside the ✩j/j– directory to compile the j– compiler with your changes:

& ~/workspace/j–

To compile a j– program P.java for the MIPS target, using register allocation based on “graph coloring”, run the following command:

& ~/workspace/j–

✩ bash ./ bin /j — -s graph P. java

Use the -r <num> argument to specify the number of physical registers available for allocation. The default value is 8.

Run the following command to run the MIPS program P.s:

& ~/workspace/j–

✩ spim -f P .s

Problem 1. (Register Allocation) Modify the fifile ✩j/j–/src/jminusminus/NGraphRegisterAllocator.java to implement register allocation algorithm based on graph coloring.


❼ Build liveness intervals.

❼ Use the liveness intervals to build an interference graph G.

❼ Apply “degree < r” heuristic to determine if G is r-colorable, where r is the number of physical registers available.

❼ If G is r-colorable, allocate physical registers to the virtual registers — there’s no need to generate spill instructions.

❼ If G is not r-colorable, allocate physical registers to the virtual registers, generating spill instructions as needed.

& ~/workspace/j–

✩ ✩j /j – -/ bin /j — -s graph -r 3 project6 / Factorial . java

✩ spim -f Factorial . s

SPIM Version 8.0 of January 8, 2010

Copyright 1990 -2010 , James R . Larus .

All Rights Reserved .

See the file README for a full copyright notice .

Loaded : / usr / lib / spim / exceptions . s

Before you submit your fifiles, make sure:

❼ Your code is adequately commented and follows good programming principles.

❼ You use the template fifile report.txt for your report.

❼ Your report meets the prescribed guidelines.

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