编程代写|NWEN243: 2022 Trimester 2 Project 3
Emulation Environment
This project uses a software-based network emulator, CORE, developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. The package allows us to emulate complex networks with routers, switches,and end hosts. This environment needs to be set up before you start this project. Go to NetToolsSetup and follow the instructions there.
The software is available on the nwen243-core virtual machine. Run the Oracle VM Virtual Box app and launch the virtual machine using VirtualBox.
ssh –X nwen243@<nwen243 VM IP Address>
where <nwen243 VM IP Address> should be by default. To confirm, execute the ifconfig command in the VM as explained in NetToolsSetup.
If the IP address from the ifconfig command is different, e.g.,then you should use to connect to the VM.
cd nwen243-project3NWEN243: 2022 Trimester 2
sudo –E core-gui
Click Edit > Preference, under Terminal Program (if necessary) change from:
gnome-terminal – window
Backing up your work!
You are strongly encouraged to save your configuration on a regular basis into different files. Don’t spend a couple of hours making changes only to find the save fails and you must do it all again.
By default, CORE saves your .imn files in the /home/nwen243/.core/configs folder. It is recommended that you save your project related files in the working directory that contains the pre-defined network template, i.e., the /home/nwen243/nwen243-project3/ folder. Treat your VM like a remote computer/server. You ran the command ssh -Y nwen243@ to access the VM. So, to copy files from the VM, do the same as what you would do if you wanted to copy files from host using nwen243 as your username, and nwen243 as your password. If you are using an ECS workstation, you can use dolphin to copy your files to <your home directory>/nwen243-project3 where you store all your files for this project. If you are using your own laptop, you can use an appropriate app like WinSCP.
Do not forget to save your work before you close CORE!
Taking Screenshots
When you are asked to take screenshots, use the function/feature provided by the operating system;
DO NOT use the Save screenshot… function of CORE.
Is the report well written?
Marks are awarded for:
Part 1. A Simple Network
You are a network engineer and you have been hired to install a new network for your client. The network needs to be able to connect to a pre-existing network that has already been implemented.
If you continue from the above tasks, then you can skip the 3 steps below as CORE should still be open from when you changed terminal Program.
ssh –X nwen243@
cd nwen243-project3
sudo –E core-gui
CORE will open a canvas program like the image below:
Now open the pre-existing network template. Go File > Open. You will need to change the Directory in the open menu to that of the folder for nwen243: /home/nwen243/. From here open the nwen243-project3 working folder.
Open the pre-existing network template:
You should now have a CORE display that looks like this:
Task 1: Set Up
Your client has tasked you with connecting two hosts and two routers for their network to the pre-existing network.
Using the “network-layer virtual nodes” button on the left sidebar you can select either router or host (PC). Once you have placed a router you can double click it to open the configuration page.
Click on Services, ensure that only zebra and IPForward are selected, as shown in the image below, then click Apply . Clicking on a service will toggle between selecting and unselecting it.
At the end of the setup, you should end up with an image like the one below.
Task 2: Network Details
You now need to configure the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for each of your connected devices. To do this, double-click on a device. Using the information in the table below assign the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of all devices.
T2(a) Replicate the table into your report and fill in the port numbers as shown in your CORE network.
NOTE: To enable port numbers/IPv4 addresses if not shown by default go: View > Show > Interface Names or IPv4 Addresses
T2(b) Once you have filled in the table, T2(a) above, take a screenshot of your CORE network with Interface names and IPv4 Address visible (ensure that the interface names are readable.) Insert the network image in your report, and label it clearly.
T2(c) Take another screenshot of your CORE network with Interface names and IPv6 Address visible (ensure the interface names are readable.) Insert the network image in your report and label it clearly.