系统设计代写 | CSE2ISD – Information Systems Development

CSE2ISD – Information Systems Development
Assignment, Semester 2 2020

1. Create an owner’s view for the system that you can show it to stakeholders for feedback. You
can make any reasonable assumptions if the case is not clearly mentioned in some areas.
[12 marks]
2. Identify the users of the system. List these under subheadings for business and IS users.
[3 marks]

3. Write domain definitions and, from there, proceed to establish the domain scope for the
system and each subsystem. The following table provides a template for your answer.
4. Identify the domain concepts from the domain definition and scopes. Categorise the concepts
into processes, functions, roles, objects, and business rules. You need to list them in a domain
dictionary table using the following template:
After completing the domain analysis, you are ready to start use case modelling. Please make sure
that you use the domain concepts identified during the domain analysis activity as the basis for
behavioural modelling.
5. Identify stakeholders of the whole system. List them with descriptions using the following
table template.
6. Create a use case summaries for the Online Ordering and Inventory Management subsystems
of the Craft Collective IS using the template tables below.
7. Complete a use case template for a use case that relates to the online inventory being manually
updated after a market stall. Use the blank template below.
8. Create a use case diagram for the Inventory Management subsystem, complete with “include
and “extend” were appropriate.
[10 marks]
9. Create an activity diagram for the Online Ordering subsystem.
After completing the behavioural modelling, you will continue with structural and dynamic
10. Identify classes for both the Online Ordering and Inventory Management subsystems. List
each class, along with responsibilities and the use cases they are associated with, using the
following table templates
11. Create a complete class diagram with associations and multiplicity information for the Online
Ordering subsystem. Is there any relationship in this case study that can be described by
aggregation/composition? Are there classes that can be generalized/specialized?
[10 marks]
12. Create a sequence diagram for the process of a customer selecting products and completing
an online order on the Craft Collective website.