系统开发代写|COIT13229 Assessment item 2— Assignment 2


The purpose of this assessment item is to assess your skills attributable to the following learning outcomes and your achievement of the expected graduate attributes of intermediate level communication, information literacy, and graduate level problem solving, critical thinking, and information technology competence.

Your task for this assignment is to design, implement, test and document a secure three tier client/server system which allows concurrent access to multiple clients. Your system will have graphical user interface, a business logic layer, and a back-end database. This assignment task is to assess your skills in practicing the theoretical concepts learnt in Weeks 1- 8 and in the pre-requisite units. You will be completing the software design and development working in a team consisting of 3 – 5 members. You will develop a test plan and test the software application individually. You will individually write and submit a report documenting the testing details and any other theoretical aspects required.

2.1  Problem

In this Assignment you will be extending the software application you have developed for your Assignment One. The case study is repeated here. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is taking momentum in many parts of the world. This is to produce ethical, organic fruits, vegetables, dairy, and other products for the local community. The purpose of CSA is to reduce the large distances agricultural products are transported and also engage in environmentally friendly production practices reducing the use of pesticides, and other unethical practices in the treatment of animals.

MalenyFreshDairy is a diary producer following the CSA philosophy to produce and supply fresh milk and other dairy products to home. MalenyFreshDairy was established in 2019 located in Maleny and services the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas. MalenyFreshDairy produces hormone free milk with no factory farms and supplies to home directly.

Even though MalenyFreshDairy has an existing website, they are interested to re-create. You are invited to create a software application named Maleny Diary To Home System (MDHS).

You are invited to design and develop an initial prototype for the MDHS. Your prototype will be further extended so that it can be used by similar farmers following CSA philosophy. You will be developing the prototype in two stages. In this Assignment you will be extending the software developed in first stage with more features as given below.

The delivery time can be between 8 am – 5 pm.

Registered customers, and admin staff should be able to login.

This enables registered customers to view and select products for delivery. The chosen products should be added to a newly created order. On placing of an order the customer should be displayed the invoice containing items, price, and total price including GST of 10%.

The delivery day should also be displayed.

Enable the customer to accept the price and items that should complete the order processing.

Customers pay by bank deposits. There is no need to include payment processing.

2.2 Design Guidelines

You can use the following guidelines in your modelling and GUI design.

A.Server Side

The server should enable the following functionalities. The server creates a new thread for each client connection (thread-per-connection model). The server should have a database for saving customer, product, product receipt options, and order details. The server side receives client requests, processes them and returns results. Multiple client requests are executed concurrently. Server side will not have a GUI.

i)  Read and Save existing products, and delivery schedule to the database.

ii) Receive Order Details (new in Assignment 2)

The products selected by a customer placing order including quantity and price should be received from the client side.

iii)  Save Customer details (modified from Assignment One)

New customer registration detail also should be saved to the database.

Note: Multiple clients can be registering at the same time and multiple threads on the server side will be using the database save function concurrently. This should be synchronised.

iv)  Save Product Details (modified from Assignment One)

The product details provided in the .csv file should be read and saved to the database.

v)  Save order details (new in Assignment 2)

The order details received should be saved to a database.

Note: Multiple clients can be placing orders at the same time and multiple threads on the  server side will be using the database save function concurrently. This should be synchronised.

vi)  Secure Login

The server should send a public key to the client which will be used by the client to encrypt the password. The server then uses the private key to decrypt the password and match it with the password stored in the database.

The Server side should also enable Admin functions executed from the client.