系统分析代写 | System Analysis (ISAD5001)


System Analysis (ISAD5001)

Case Study #1: Muskrat Pool & Spa Company (Muskrat)
1. Who should you interview about Muskrat’s system needs? Should you conduct a group interview? Why or why not? If so, who would you interview in a group?
2. Should you use a questionnaire? Why or why not? If so, what would you want to find out and who should you send it to?
3. What inputs or outputs (if any) would you try to look at to determine Muskrat’s system needs? Why?
4. What documents would you want to look at to determine Muskrat’s system needs? Why?
5. What activities would you want to observe (if any) to determine Muskrat’s system needs?
6. Draw an Activity Diagram of the process for an entire pool design and build project, from initiation to completion of the project.
7. Where could you find out about potential vendor solutions? Obtain and provide information on at least two systems that are similar or with some of the needed capabilities.
8. Create an Open Item List for developing a system for Muskrat. Identify at least five things that you can think of that you don’t know yet about Muskrat and its system needs, but will need to know. Add these to your Muskrat Open Item List. For each open item, indicate which requirements elicitation technique(s) would be appropriate to find out the needed information.
Case Study #2: Paisano’s Pizza Parlour (PPP)
9. Who should you interview about PPP’s system needs? Should you conduct a group interview? Why or why not? If so, who would you interview in a group?
10. Should you use a questionnaire? Why or why not? If so, what would you want to find out and who should you send it to?
11. What inputs or outputs (if any) would you try to look at to determine PPP’s system needs? Why?
12. What documents would you want to look at to determine PPP’s system needs? Why?
13. What activities would you want to observe (if any) to determine PPP’s system needs?
14. Draw an Activity Diagram of the process to order, prepare the pizza and complete an order at PPP.
15. Where could you find out about potential vendor solutions? Obtain and provide information on at least two systems that are similar or with some of the needed capabilities.
16. Create an Open Item List for developing a system for PPP. Identify everything you can think of that you don’t know yet about PPP and its system needs, but will need to know. Add these to your PPP Open Item List. For each open item, indicate which requirements elicitation technique(s) would be appropriate to find out the needed information.
Due at 10pm on Sunday 21 March 2021. Submit your tutorial exercises as a single Word or PDF file via Blackboard/Turnitin (see submission link in the week’s unit resources). Late submissions will not be accepted without prior permission.
Important: On the day of class (after submissions are due):
1. email a copy of your submission to everyone in your group
2. bring a copy of your submission to class for in-class discussion.