程序代写|CS2063 Introduction to Mobile Application Development


Project Overview

In groups of two or three you will be required to conceptualize and deliver an Android application from the ground up. This project will be worth 40% of the final grade and will be made up of deliverables throughout the semester.


The requirements for the project are relatively open to allow flexibility in terms of design and implementation. However, the application must meet certain conditions as indicated below.

o Program design

o Resource consumption guidelines

o User interface design

o Usage of device sensors or location support

o Layouts that adapt to different form factors and orientations

o Touch and gesture input

Additional considerations:

o A representative from the group must email the names of the people in the group

o Included in this list is the student who will act as a project manager for the team

o A written proposal for the project

o Group will present a short pitch presentation about their project

o Brief written status update

o Group presentation of the initial prototype

o Brief written status update

o Delivery of the final version of the application

o Group presentation of the final application

o Scrum style update for what was accomplished, what is planned, and any roadblocks Further details will be provided on each of these deliverables during the semester. Each group will be provided with a D2L drop box location for completed deliverables.

– Use source control like Github or Gitlab for storing your source code

– Look to eliminate high risk items first (for example: connecting to third party APIs,setting up data models, etc.)

– Drill the hole then expand

– Setup a schedule that works backwards from a week before the final delivery dateGroup Formation

o Please use the subject line “CS2063 Team”

o In your messages indicate which team member will be serving as a project manager

o This form is to help me assign students to teams if they need one

o If you know who you would like to work with indicate that you do not need a group

o Unassigned students will be grouped as close as possible based on available schedules