程序代写|Assignment on Azure Cloud Platform

这是一篇来自美国的程序代写Assignment 4

This assignment needs to be done by using Azure Cloud Platform. In this assignment, you will be working with Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL DB, Blob storage account and ADLS Gen2.

Submit a compressed archive (zip, tar, etc.) of your code, along with screenshots (output/input commands with results). Please include a pdf document with answers to the questions below.

For Part A: Please submit all screenshots showing deployed resources in your Azure portal,Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Factory, ADLS Gen 2 and Azure SQL DB including your account information at the top right corner of the webpage. Include the successful pipeline runs screenshots with triggers.

For Part B: Please submit all screenshots showing deployed resources in your Azure portal,Azure SQL DB and Query Editor screenshots where you run your code with output.

Contact your TA for any questions related to this assignment or post clarification questions to the Piazza platform.

Part A:


In this part you will use Query Editor in Azure SQL DB and use gender_jobs_data.csv table to perform below queries.

Data input

For part B implementation, use the same table that is provided to you.


You need to use Azure SQL Database for this part.