数据结构代写 | INFO 2315 Data Structure Project 1


Project 1 Stack-based Push-Pop 2D Transformation Matrix

Seven main goals of this project; To get a full mark, your project must include all requirements.

1. Use of Java’s Generic (a) ArrayList for a graphics application as well as an (b) static array.

2. You must design separate (c) class files to build (d) multiple parent-child hierarchical objects
including incorporating abstract as well as interface classes.

• For your project, you need to create minimum three level grandparent-parent-child
hierarchical/inheritance class objects (one should look like a human figure, the another two
could be an animal, alien creature, or natural object, building, or environment (e.g., car, tree
with leaves) with hierarchy). Must have minimum 5 different shaped objects.

3. Must design/apply (e) push and pop stack structure to properly associate hierarchical objects
to build gestures for 2D transformation.

4. Must design multiple custom (f) function/method blocks to add a unique movement of your
parent-child based objects.

5. Must add both (g) mouse interaction and (h) keyboard interactions to transform hierarchy
chained objects (e.g., rotating hierarchical objects) expressing different motion.

6. Incorporate both search and sort algorithm to find an interesting movement pattern of
specific objects. An example could be:

• Search/find a coordinate of a specific object through a user input.

• Record random movement of objects showing x, y coordinates, compare movement
ranking, and generate a sorted output to an external file.

7. Document your (h) unique design approach, algorithm process and (i) research endeavor, and
(j) UML diagram

II. Two files to submit: (a) Processing pde file
(stack2DTransforamtion_yourLastNameInitial.pde) and (b) 3-5 page MS Word
file (ACM CHI format) describing your approach including screen shots, code
snippet and algorithm detail, UML (Use case diagram & class diagram), and
related research reference (e.g., a reference image guiding your scene design,
a brief summary of a reference and how you implement into your project, and
APA style reference).

Download the 2D transform example on the following
Processing website. Carefully review the theory
explaining 2D Transformations (the theory is also
covered in following slides as well) as well as go through
each example Processing file.

Also, as a preparation for the midterm, review the
textbook example showing how 2D
transformation matrix can be handled by (1) array
(chapter 8. MatrixMultiplication.java) as well as
(2) generics (chapter 19. GenericMatrix.java).