数据结构代写|CSCI 2100C Data Structures Quiz 1


1. Michael has written the following header files stack.h and queue.h for the ADTs of stack
of integers and queue of integers. He has correctly implemented the ADTs in stack.c and

/* File: stack.h */
/* Author: Michael */

typedef struct stackCDT *stackADT;
typedef int stackElementT;

stackADT EmptyStack(void);
void Push(stackADT, stackElementT);
stackElementT Pop(stackADT);
int StackIsEmpty(stackADT);

/* File: queue.h */
/* Author: Michael */

typedef struct queueCDT *queueADT;
typedef int queueElementT;

queueADT EmptyQueue(void);
void Enqueue(queueADT, queueElementT);
queueElementT Dequeue(queueADT);
int QueueIsEmpty(queueADT);

a) (20 marks) What will be printed if the following program is run?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include “stack.h”
#include “queue.h”

main() {
stackADT S1 = EmptyStack();
queueADT Q1 = EmptyQueue();
Enqueue(Q1, 7); Enqueue(Q1, 3);
Push(S1, Dequeue(Q1)); Push(S1, 6); Push(S1, 4);
Enqueue(Q1, 1 + Pop(S1));
while (!StackIsEmpty(S1)) printf(“%d “, Pop(S1)); printf(“\n”);
while (!QueueIsEmpty(Q1)) printf(“%d “, Dequeue(Q1)); printf(“\n”);

Tom is going to use the stack ADT and queue ADT that Michael defines to write a function
twoStacks. The function takes two stackADT arguments and returns a stackADT value:

stackADT twoStacks(stackADT A, B) { … … }

The function returns a new stack that is constructed with all elements of stacks A and B.

In the stack returned, all elements of stack A are put at the lower part, and all elements
of stack B are put at the upper part, while the order of the elements are unchanged.
Meanwhile, it is important that when the function returns, stacks A and B are not altered.

The following diagram shows some examples of the function call.

Stack A Stack B twoStacks(A, B)