数据分析代写|Cryptocurrency Market Dataset Analysing


The topic of the project is analysing datasets related to the cryptocurrency market. The topic can be on anything you wish in the space of big data related to the cryptocurrency market. Anything reasonably related to topics that are covered in the course is within scope. For reference, there are two types of projects you might consider:

The use of Apache Spark should be justified in your project. For example, if you analyze only 1 MB of data, isn’t it better to use Python? Remember that it is okay to analyze a smaller dataset if (1) the dataset can potentially be considered big data. For example, using 20 MB of Twitter data makes sense because it can be potentially much bigger, (2) your Spark solution is scalable. Even if you are testing it on smaller datasets, it can potentially handle much bigger datasets. If you do not follow this rule, you cannot get more than 50% of the project mark.

Your project will be evaluated according to the following criteria, with roughly equal weight placed on each one.