操作系统代写 | 4120_COMP Mid-semester Test


Excluded content:

1B. Design and Implementation of OS
2B. Thread Libraries
3A. Algorithm Evaluation
3B. Operating Systems Examples
5B. Monitor

Mid-semester test is an online quiz. However, it will be more difficult than weekly quizzes

It will contain questions where you need to compute a certain value and provide a numerical answer

Prepare pen, paper and a calculator

It may include questions for matching different concepts

It is OK to use slides, textbook, etc. It’s not OK to get someone help you

There will be 8 ques!ons and you will have 40 minutes to complete the test

Only single a#empt is allowed

In this test, we don’t differen!ate between processes and threads. We use term “process” to denote an instance of a running program to be scheduled on
the CPU

Unless stated otherwise, you can ignore context switch times
In each question, you might be given more information than needed to answer the question