商业建模代写 | FIT3158 Business Decision Modelling Assignment Two


This group assignment requires the collaborative effort of three students per group. Students must form the group (within the same tutorial) and elect a group leader to coordinate this assignment. He or she must inform the tutor during week 3 tutorial of the group members’ names. Once confirmed,no change of group member is allowed without prior approval from the FIT3158 lecturer.

About 15 minutes will be allocated at the end of each week’s tutorial for group members to come together to discuss and work on the assignment. You may also use this time to consult your tutor if you have any issues with your assignment. Every student in the group is required to actively participate and would be used as a basis for marks adjustment for the final score (if necessary) of the assignment.

This assignment is in 3 parts:

1. Case 1: Linear Programming (to be released in Week 3)
2. Case 2: ILP and Network Models (to be released in Week 5) and
3. Case 3: Inventory Modelling (to be released in Week 8)

The aim of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their problem solving as well as modelling skills. In so doing, the following objectives are sought:

The ability to critically analyse business problems;

The ability to design, implement and analyse mathematical optimisation and spreadsheet-based models;

The ability to conduct sensitivity analysis and to interpret the results of mathematical decision models to aid business decision and

To present your findings and recommendations in a coherent report.

1. Your delivery should include 3 Excel files:

1.1. An Excel file for Case 1 of the assignment comprising the following components:

1.1.1. Documentation
1.1.2. Case 1 Model
1.1.3. Case 1 Sensitivity/Answer Report
1.1.4. Case 1 Analysis and Report

1.2. An Excel file for Case 2 of the assignment comprising the following worksheets:

1.2.1. Documentation
1.2.2. Case 2 Model
1.2.3. Case 2 Analysis and Report

1.3. An Excel file for Case 3 of the assignment comprising the following worksheets:

1.3.1. Documentation
1.3.2. Case 3 Model
1.3.3. Case 3 Analysis and Report

2. The ‘Documentation’ sheet should include the following information:
– The title page
– Team members contribution (tasks performed and contribution %).

3. You are to upload your submission on the FIT3158 Moodle site under the “FIT3158 Assignment 2” submission link.

4. You should name your Excel file as: <Team No.> Assignment 2_Case #.xlsx (or xlsm) where
<Team No> is the number assigned to your team by your tutor and # is the Case number.