信息安全代写 | Information Security (CP3404) Midterm Test/Quis


Question 1 [1 mark]
In which fundamental security principle would only those personnel who must use data have access
to it?
(a) layering
(b) limiting
(c) diversity
(d) obscurity
Question 2 [1 mark]
A false warning, often contained in an email message claiming to come from the IT department is an
example of which of the following?
(a) hoax
(b) impersonation
(c) phishing
(d) spam
Question 3 [1 mark]
If Bob wants to send a secure message to Alice using an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, which
key does he use to encrypt the message?
(a) Alice’s private key
(b) Bob’s public key
(c) Bob’s private key
(d) Alice’s public key
Question 4 [1 mark]
Which of the following block ciphers XORs each block of plaintext with the previous block of ciphertext
before being encrypted?
(a) Electronic Code Book (ECB)
(b) Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
(c) Galois/Counter (GCM)
(d) Counter (CTR)

Question 5 [5 marks]
Use Figure 1 to de ne/explain the following terms:
(a) [1 mark] Asset.
(b) [1 mark] Threat
(c) [1 mark] Threat actor
(d) [1 mark] Vulnerability
(e) [1 mark] Risk

Question 6 [4 marks]
In the context of computer virus infections, describe Appender infection and Swiss cheese infection.
You may draw gures to assist with your explanation.
Question 7 [4 marks]
Let string A be the rst 6 characters of your last-name (if your last-name is less than 6 characters,
repeat the last letter till you get a six-character string).
(a) Encrypt string A using ROT3 cipher in the English alphabet.
(b) Encrypt string A using One-Time-Pad cipher, where the key is `SECRET’.

Question 8 [7 marks]
Explain the impersonation attack of Figure 2. You have to clearly state the cryptographic func-
tions/operation (e.g., encryption, hasing, signing, decryption, etc.) used at each step. That is:
(a) [1 mark] What is the message and cryptographic function used by Bob?
(b) [1 mark] What is the action and cryptographic operation used by Mallory?
(c) [1 mark] What is the message and cryptographic operation used by Alice?
(d) [1 mark] Why does this impersonation attack (i.e. Mallory’s modi cation on the message) work?
(e) [1 mark] What is the solution to this type of attack?
(f) [2 marks] How does this solution on previous item prevent this attack (i.e., explain why Mallory
cannot apply the same attack)?