代码代写|DS6504 Assignment 1: Interactive Dashboard Application


Submission details

Use the Drop Box feature I have set up called ‘Assignment 1 – Drop Box’ in the Assignment section of my Moodle site. You should submit your group’s report, as described in Task 6 and in the Assignment Deliverables section of this document. Also include the script in your submission that contains the commands you used to create the views and stored procedures (Task 2 and 3). This script should be zipped with your report and uploaded into Moodle as a single file. Only 1 submission per group is required. Please include the names of all students within your group on the cover sheet of your report.


Extensions of time will only be granted for students who have an acceptable documented reason for not completing the assessment by the specified due date.


This assignment is worth 30% of the total module.

The assignment will be marked out of 100.

To pass a grade of 50% must be achieved.


See details of terms in the Bachelor of Information Technology handbook.

Group Work


This assignment requires you to work collaboratively in a small group to develop an interactive dashboard reporting service that will visualise data extracted from a SQL Server database. The layout and content of this dashboard is shown in Appendix A. Data will be extracted from a database using a combination of Views and parameterised Stored Procedures that you will create according the specifications described in the Tasks section below. The dashboard will be created using the Reporting Services template within the SQL Server Data Tools environment. It will consist of a number of widgets including tables, gauges and a map, which change dynamically in response to user input.


Create Views and Stored Procedures to extract data:

Refer to Appendix B to see the expected content within each of these views. You should not proceed to Task 3 until your output matches Appendix B.

Refer to Appendix C to view the output that should be generated from each of these stored procedures. You should not proceed to Task 4 until your output matches Appendix C.

Create a Shared Dataset in the Solutions Explorer panel called AcceptedByCountry and bind it to the spAcceptedByCountry stored procedure created in Task 3. In the Report Data panel, create a Dataset object with the same name and set its properties so that it uses the Shared Dataset you have just created.