代码代写|COMP3506/7505 Project Algorithms & Data Structures



This project will require you to implement algorithms efficiently in order to solve desired tasks. In particular, you will be required to:

The specific details required for each of these two points are outlined in the questions below.

Submission Details

All assignment related documents and files will be submitted via Gradescope. The programming sections of your assignment will be marked by auto-grading software while the report section of your assignment will be marked by a tutor. Therefore, you will need to submit to two separate Gradescope submission portals. The name of these submission portals and the documents required to submit to them are listed below.

You should submit only the following files:

For Python: hospital 1.py, hospital 2.py, hospital 3.py, patient.py, login system.py

tree of symptoms.py, alert system.py1.

For Java: Hospital1.java, Hospital2.java, Hospital3.java, Patient.java, LoginSystem.java

TreeOfSymptoms.java, AlertSystem.java1.

Do NOT modify and do NOT submit the interface files (ending with *Base.java/ * base.py)

Your marks for this programming task will be calculated by running a series of tests against your solution using the Gradescope autograder. Each test will be assigned a certain number of marks according to the rigour of the test. The results of some tests will be available instantly after submission while others will be hidden until the assignment marks are released.

Programming Details

Java Instructions

Python Instructions

Late Submissions and Extensions

Please consult the courses ECP for the policies and procedures regarding late submission and extensions. Note that course staff cannot process requests for extension or otherwise. All such applications must be made through the school in accordance with ECP.

Academic Misconduct

This assignment is an individual assignment. Posting questions or copying answers from the internet is considered cheating, as is sharing your answers with classmates. All your work (including code) will be analysed by sophisticated plagiarism detection software.

Students are reminded of the University’s policy on student misconduct, including plagiarism. See the course profile and the School web page: https://itee.uq.edu.au/current-students/guidelines-and-policies-students/student-conduct?p=1#1.

1 Hospital Appointment System

In this question, you need to implement an appointment system for three different hospitals, that would allow patients to book appointments according to their desired time. In particular, you need to complete the following functionality:

It is known that all three hospitals work from 08:00 to 18:00 with a lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00. Additionally,each hospital has different time complexity requirements for each function. Based on these requirements, you have to chose the best data structure to represent the appointment system, as well as the best algorithm to order the patients by their times. The requirements are the following:

Any other timeslots, e.g. 08:01, 08:22, 08:41 are considered incorrect and should result in a patient not being added to the system. Each timeslot may be occupied by at most one patient, i.e. two patients can not both be booked for the 08:40 appointment. The patient is not added to the system if they request a timeslot that is already occupied.

addPatient/add patient; iterator/ iter

– as quickly as possible.

1.1 Programming

In the files Hospital1.java/hospital 1.py, Hospital2.java/hospital 2,py and Hospital3.java/hospital 3.py,you should implement the methods in the interface HospitalBase.

1.2 Report

Using the Gradescope document template provided, you must complete a report which analyses your code and the algorithms you have implemented. In the report, for each of the three hospitals you should: