代码代写|COMP2811 resit coursework smart thermostat
Present your findings in a table as introduced in the lectures.
Include negative, as well as positive, findings.
Include a screenshot of the screen you evaluate.
comment your code with single-line comments (using //) such that someone familiar with C++ and this coursework description (i.e., the person doing the grading) is able to follow it.
indentation and braces as per 1TBS.
class names begin with capital letters,
variable names begin with lower-case letters.
file-names begin with lower case letter.
constant globals to begin with a lower-case ‘k’.
function length should be limited to 50 lines (excluding empty lines and comments).
line length should be limited to 100 characters.
there should be no unused (commented or inaccessible) code.
You will receive marks for:
○in your design
○in your description of your design