云计算代写|COSC2626 Cloud Computing Assessment 1


This assessment will focus on:

1. Designing and developing a highly scalable application by applying the knowledge of distributed
architecture and multiple cloud services

2. Delivering a demo of your solution.

This assessment is relevant to the following Learning Outcomes:

• CLO 1: Explain the key concepts and principles of cloud computing and the possible applications of the

• CLO 2: Develop and deploy highly scalable cloud applications that are resilient, elastic and cost-efficient

• CLO 3: Identify the big data analysis techniques to store and analyse data in cloud computing

• CLO 4: Compare and evaluate the key trade-offs between multiple approaches to cloud system design in
order to choose an appropriate design to resolve cloud computing problems.

Criteria/Project requirements:

1. You must use the AWS services under the categories of Compute, Containers, Storage, Networking
and Content Delivery, Database, and Analytics on the AWS Management Console for your application.

2. Each service/API must be 1) fully implemented and automated in your application and 2) assessed as
an appropriate selection for your application by the examiner, in order to receive full marks.

Note: Fully implemented and automated services/APIs mean the services/APIs should be
automatically invoked by your client interface operations/code/other services other than CLI/AWS

3. The following fully implemented AWS services are worth 6 marks per type: Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda,
API Gateway, ECS, and EMR.

4. The other fully implemented AWS services under the categories of Compute, Containers, Storage,
Networking and Content Delivery, Database, and Analytics on the AWS Management Console for your
application are worth 3 marks per type.

Note: The mark calculation for implemented AWS services cannot be iterated. E.g., if you fully
implement Elastic Beanstalk/ECS/EMR/Lambda that automatically uses EC2 and S3 services, you can
only receive 6 marks in total.

5. You are encouraged to use third-party APIs external to AWS cloud services. Each type of fully
implemented and automated API is worth 2 mark per type. E.g. if you fully implement and
automate a Twitter API and a Facebook API, 2 marks will be rewarded.

6. You should have a well-designed and user-friendly client-side interface (e.g., a webpage/website or a
mobile app). If you have any kind of data analysis you should interpret your result nicely using tabular
and/or graphical format. You must deploy your application in AWS cloud.

1. Option 1: Development of a cloud application using your own idea and strength (Note: You are NOT
allowed to reuse your Assessment 1 or 2 applications)

2. Option 2: Development of a cloud application using an idea you develop with the help of your
tutor based on your interest and strength.