云系统代写 | SIT322 Cloud Systems Research and Analysis Report
SIT322 Cloud Systems, T 1 2020
Assignment 1, Research and Analysis Report
Total Marks 40 (weight 25%)
• This aim of this assignment is to conduct a critical analysis of existing cloud providers.
• Further, a scenario is given and you must think on the feasibility of the deployment of
the scenario on any cloud environment.
• The critical feasibility analysis will significantly help you to deploy/implement the
scenario and show the Proof of Concept (which is a part of assignment 2).
Section A [15 Marks]
1. Compare four cloud platforms/providers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud
Platform, and OpenStack) with respect to, a) pricing structure, b) service for
computing, c) service for storage, and d) types of services they offer (example data
analytics etc.). [5 marks]
2. What are various simulation tools available in Cloud Computing for research? Explain
any one in brief. [5 marks]
3. How Graph Theory is useful in cloud computing? Given an example scenario. [5 marks]
Section B [20 Marks]
Feasibility Analysis
4. Choose any one Open Source cloud platform for you to work. Do the feasibility analysis
of the scenario given below. Write a report to show that how will you porotype the
scenario. Are there enough tools, resources to realise the scenario practically?
Step 1. Set up two small network clusters (may be non-cloud) having at-least 5-10 end
users in each. The users of a cluster can connect their device to that cluster using
wireless technology, however, the clusters are not connected to each other. The
clusters are connected to one cloud server which is responsible for information
exchange between cluster’s nodes. This cloud server might be connected to 1 or more
other VMs that process data. [5 marks]
Step 2. Generate a random traffic from cluster 1 to 2, and observe the communication
happens successfully. [5 marks]
Step 3. Perform some data manipulation/processing (task) on the cloud (details of
processing is at your discretion and you can write your own program for it, but it should
involve manipulating, querying or transforming data from one cluster to another in
some ways using cloud hosted VMs). Calculate the response time or computation time,
of server, of task completion. [10 Marks]
In order to get assessed, you must address all the following challenges which we believe
you will encounter. Challenges you will face:
• How to set up small end user network clusters?
• How you connect the clusters with cloud server?
• How will you generate traffic?
• How the traffic from Cluster A successfully reached to Cluster B, did you face
• From where you will get public data set suitable to accomplish your task (step 3)
in cloud platform?
• How will you observe response time?
You have to submit a report on the “Feasibility Analysis” of above scenario in 1500-2000 words
and must answer all above challenges comprehensively with evidence (screen shots of each
If you realise that the above scenario is not feasible for you to work on, please provide an
alternative, for example CloudSim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudSim.
Remember, in future assignment, you may be ask to design a Proof of Concept of the above
scenario, so please work on this very seriously.
Note: 5 marks are given for presentation. Please obey all following instructions to submit your
report on or before due date. In case you need an extension, please let us know beforehand.
Otherwise, late penalty may apply as per Deakin policy.
Please submit word file only, Submission Instructions are below [5 marks]
1. Use Times New Roman font, font size 10, line space 1, heading 12 bold (no underline),
sub heading 12 bold (no underline), all figures should have same size and must be at
centre, figure/s must have number and caption, and text must be justified.
2. Reference style is IEEE.
3. Must have references cited clearly within the context too.
4. For online references/links, must write the assessed date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know before the due date.
On behalf of Teaching Team SIT 322, T 1 2020.